
educator, writer, speaker, devoted family man, amateur philosopher, chess enthusiast, basketball junkie, connoisseur of fine hip hop, and purveyor of wit and wisdom

40 by 40 – Watch “The Avengers” On Its Opening Day.


One of the items on my 40 by 40 list is to watch The Avengers and The Amazing Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises on their opening days.  Today is May 4 and I have a long 11-hour day at work today.  I have an on-campus learning communities retreat from 9am until 4pm, a meeting with another tutoring center coordinator at 4:30pm, followed by a student recognition award dinner from 6pm until 8pm.  I didn’t think I’d be up for watching the movie when I got home after all that.


I decided to do one of those midnight showings of the movie!

I checked online and the Edwards Cinema at Ontario Mills decided to show the movie on all 22 screens beginning at midnight (there was a 12:00 show, a 12:04 show, a 12:25 show, etc, etc.).  I bought my ticket online for a 1:00am show (everything before that was already sold out.)

When I arrived, the entire lot was packed.  Even the lots across the street at the AMC Ontario Mills were packed.  But I had my ticket, got my snacks, and settled in for the show.

Let me just say that the movie was f#*@ing fucking awesome! Loved it loved it loved it.  Somehow director Joss Whedon found a way to manage ALL of the characters in the same movie without it feeling forced.  The action, the story, the character development…it all seemed to flow together pretty nicely without being clunky.  (The Hulk was the best…rage and comic relief…fantastic.)

Anyway…one superhero movie down, two more to go.  The Amazing Spiderman is next on July 3, and The Dark Knight Rises ends the Batman trilogy on July 20.

One comment on “40 by 40 – Watch “The Avengers” On Its Opening Day.

  1. karenmpeterson
    May 15, 2012

    It was great to see someone FINALLY get the big screen Hulk right.

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This entry was posted on May 4, 2012 by in 40 by 40, Movies and tagged , , .

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Soulquarian Quote of the Day

"There is no hip hop manual for growing old...The 22-year-old college grad who used to love the Roots in 1994 never left. He’s just 40 now and has a wife and kids and doesn’t feel like spending all night at a club."